The other day my wife and I had a great idea. Because it’s so busy in the mornings, we decided to make 20 breakfast sandwiches and freeze them and have them ready for the kids in the morning.
It sounded like a great idea.
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All we have to do is throw them in the microwave in the morning, let them cool for a couple of minutes, and we can be out the door enjoying an excellent breakfast.
We all love breakfast sandwiches, and sometimes it’s difficult to find something that we all like.
It sounded like a good idea.

We purchased all the ingredients for our upcoming project and motived ourselves to start making all these breakfast sandwiches.
Before we started, I had an important question. How do you make that perfect round egg?
You know what I’m talking about, like the ones MacDonalds serve – isn’t a perfectly round egg vital to its taste?
I did a little research and decided I needed to buy a silicone egg ring. With an egg ring, I’d be able to make a round fried egg that would fit perfectly on the English muffin.
This is the Silicon Egg Ring that I bought. Isn’t it pretty?
It made perfect sense to me, and so I headed off to see what I could find.
Soon, I returned with an egg ring. I was ready for business!
How Do You Use A Silicone Egg Ring?
The concept is pretty simple.
You take a frying pan and add a little butter or oil.
You then place the egg ring on the frying pan and put an egg in the ring.
Add some butter or oil to your frying pan Place the ring in the pan and add an egg Let the egg cook on the bottom Remove the silicone ring Flip over your egg
You want to make sure that the heat is turned down to medium-low or you’ll burn the bottom of the egg.
After the egg is set, you can flip it over and finish cooking it.
The concept should work, but I found some serious problems with the idea.
Do Silicone Egg Rings Actually Work?
In my opinion, they don’t work well.
First, they take too long to cook. If you’re like me and making 20 breakfast sandwiches, then it’s going to be a nightmare. For the record, I scramble my eggs when using the ring. It is a little faster using a fried egg.
I stopped using it half way through because it was slowing me down.
I found that the egg took forever to set so that you were able to flip it over. Often I would burn the bottom of the egg, and it became rubbery. It’s challenging to make a perfect egg using an egg ring.
Egg will often leak out the side
Second, when I would lift the ring so that I could flip the egg, the egg just ran everywhere.
Flipping it should be easy.
To flip over an egg ring, you cook at medium-low temperature for 2-3 minutes and then lift the ring off and flip the egg. When I lifted the ring, the egg would flow all over the pan.
Sometimes if the egg isn’t cooked enough, it will run everywhere!
I also found that the egg would leak from under the ring at times. This typically means that your pan isn’t hot enough. You probably added the egg into the ring a little too early.
A free-flowing egg isn’t something terrible, but it is a little annoying.
What’s The Best Egg Ring?
There are silicon egg rings available on Amazon for a reasonable price. You can check out a silicon egg ring like the one I bought here.
Before you go to the store and purchase an egg ring, why not make a homemade one.
Homemade egg rings are fun to make, and it’s a great way to test out the method for yourself.
By using a homemade egg ring, you can see if it’s something that you would use before making any investment.
Two hacks work very well when attempting to make your homemade egg ring and create that perfect shape.
The first way is using an onion ring. I know that sounds funny and a little weird, but it works wonders. You need to give it a try.

Just slice a ring from the onion and place it in a buttered, medium-hot pan.

Add your egg inside the ring, and it should begin to set inside the onion ring. You can remove the onion or if you’re like me add it all to your breakfast sandwich.
The second hack is using a mason jar lid.

Take the lid and place it into the medium-hot pan and add the egg to the ring. Let it set, and then turn it over – perfect.

Again, this is an easy way to create that perfect sized egg for your breakfast sandwiches without spending a dime.
I Discovered A Faster Way – When You’re in a Pinch
After doing some research, I discovered a faster way for creating those perfect sized egg patties for your breakfast sandwiches.
Sometimes you’re running behind, and you don’t have the time to take out the fying pan and wait to cook the eggs.
This is where your microwave will be handy.
Using your microwave and a couple of simple kitchen utensils can fast-track the process, and can provide you with a hot breakfast sandwich in as little as 5 minutes.

Take and beat an egg and place it in a mug. That’s right, a coffee mug. Make sure the mug has a little butter or spray oil in the bottom so that it doesn’t stick.
Next, add some shredded cheese on top.
Add just a touch of water to the top of the egg and place it in the microwave for about one minute and a half.
It should just fall out, and it’s ready to use for your sandwich.
If you are in a real jam and you would like a good breakfast on the go, then I suggest pulling out the eggs and using your microwave.
If you have the time, create some breakfast sandwiches and put them in the freezer. They make a tremendous quick breakfast that will be enjoyed by the whole family.
As far as the egg rings, my experiment shows that they are just hype. They don’t work overly well and are more frustrating than helpful.
Let me know if you’ve used egg rings, and what you think of them.
I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
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